Dumper’s Regret: Timeline & Stages of Regret of Dumping Someone (2024)

You’ve done the dumping, and now you’re starting to wonder if you did the right thing. You have a case of dumper’s regret!

Breaking up with someone you care about, or cared about, isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Even if you’ve arrived at the point where you can’t stand the sight of them, it’s quite normal to struggle when it comes to ending things. Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news, let’s be honest. And sometimes, you could experience a bad case of dumper’s regret.

There are thought to be five stages you go through when you’re the dumper, i.e., when you’re the one ending the relationship. You might think that it goes from doing the deed to feeling relieved and that’s it, but it turns out that there’s actually more to it than meets the eye.

The human conscience doesn’t allow us to just leave things be, and, of course, we overthink.

[Read: Breakup advice: The best advice you need and the one that harm you]

What is dumper’s regret?

Have you been there before? Perhaps if you’ve broken up with someone in the past, can you identify the different stages you went through, or did you simply try and move on?

Dumper’s Regret: Timeline & Stages of Regret of Dumping Someone (1)

The likelihood however is that you experienced one very common milestone – dumper’s regret.

This is the point where you think “hang on a minute, maybe I didn’t do the right thing” and miss everything that was good about the other person. You have rose-tinted glasses on, because you forget the reason you actually broke up in the first place, and the bad memories are somehow filtered out.

Dumper’s regret has caused people to go back to poor relationships in the past. Don’t let it happen to you!

[Read: The biggest post-breakup mistakes you should never do]

From relief to dumper’s regret: The stages of after a breakup that lead to dumper’s regret

Let’s take a look at the five stages that occur after you break up with someone and you’re the person doing the dumping.

#1 “Phew, I’m glad that’s over.”Yes, the first stage is obviously one of relief. You’ve done the deed; you’ve ended the relationship and got what you wanted. For that moment everything feels like you’re walking on air. Sure, you might have the odd pang of guilt when you remember their face upon delivering the news or the sting when they said something particular unpleasant to you. Regardless, you’re able to push that to one side and feel relieved that the hard part is over.

Or is it? [Read: 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through each of them]

Dumper’s Regret: Timeline & Stages of Regret of Dumping Someone (2)

#2 “Get me out there, I’m free!”The second stage is one of happiness. You feel free. You’ve broken the chains of a relationship that wasn’t working for you, for whatever reason, and you’re happy to get out there and enjoy your life. You’re not particularly looking for anyone else to be with, you just want to enjoy your life as it is right now.

Enjoy this part, as dumper’s regret is just around the corner.[Read: Why you feel so relieved after breaking up with someone]

#3 “Hmm, I remember…”Stage three is when things start to take a turn for the worse. At this point, you remember the good times. You still have a slight grasp on the bad times, and you can definitely remember why you ended it. But the happy memories you shared are coming back to you thick and fast. Everywhere you turn, something reminds you of them and a funny or loving moment you shared.

This is the start of dumper’s regret, and it’s the point when you start to seriously question whether you actually did the right thing ending the relationship or not.[Read: Regret the breakup? 15 signs your ex undeniably still likes you]

#4 “Well, this isn’t what I expected…”Stage four is a kind of numb feeling, the stage when you’ve really started to question whether you made the right choice or not, but you don’t feel inclined to dwell on it too much. It’s always there in the background however, but you know there’s nothing much you can do about it. Instead, you just go about your day, but there’s something that just isn’t quite right.

Something is missing.

#5 “Now I just feel sad.”Stage five is very unexpected, and the ironic thing is that the cycle of a breakup that a dumper goes through is the total opposite to what the dumpee goes through. The dumpee feels sad at the start and then works backwards towards feeling free and relieved. The dumper starts at the relief stage and somehow ends up feeling sad. Ironic, right? That’s how dumper’s regret works, my friends.[Read: How to deal with regret and learn to face your reality for what it is]

How to overcome dumper’s regret

If you find yourself starting to regret ending the relationship, remember you ended it for a reason. Do your best to focus on that reason and remind yourself that it was the right choice. Of course, that’s all supposing you actually thought it through properly before you ended the relationship and you’re sure that you really did do the right thing. If you jumped and acted without thinking, well, perhaps your regret is valid.

Even in that case, however, you did what you did because you didn’t feel happy. You wouldn’t have ended it if things were okay. Remember the events leading up to you ending the union and focus on those. [Read: 15 steps you go through after your boyfriend breaks up with you]

Dumper’s Regret: Timeline & Stages of Regret of Dumping Someone (3)

Distract yourself and know that dumper’s regret is a common and normal emotion to feel. Nobody likes to end things, even if they know it’s for the right reasons. No matter how long you were with your ex, you shared moments and memories. They will always be with you. Something will happen at some point in the future and trigger a memory for you, taking you back to an unspecified point in your relationship. It’s the same for everyone, and it doesn’t mean that you made a mistake. [Read: How to get over a breakup and pick up the pieces of your heart]

The dumper gets a bad name, right? Surely, it’s braver to actually end a relationship that isn’t working than it is to just stay in it because you don’t want to upset the other person, or you’re clinging on to the hope that things will change? If you made the decision to end it, know that you did the right thing. Put it to the back of your mind. Regret is normal but dwelling on it isn’t.[Read: How to get over the remorse of being a dumper]

Life goes on, but dumper’s regret hits back often

You might see your ex at some point and they’re looking great, smiling, and appearing to be happy with life. Rather than wishing that things were good between you again, just be happy for them. Smile and go about your day. Don’t secretly stalk them on social media or ask your friends how they’re doing. Cut ties completely and let them go about their life, they deserve that.

The only way to get over a serious case of dumper’s regret is to focus on the positives of the situation you’re in right now and don’t focus on the positives of the relationship you just ended. Every relationship has at least one positive in it. It’s a surefire bet that when you’re feeling low and rolling around in your own guilt and regret, you’ll focus on that one positive. But, what about the several other negatives?

Keep it in perspective!

[Read: How to stop thinking about your ex before it ruins your future]

Dumper’s regret is a completely normal phase in a breakup. Don’t allow your potential regret to pull you back into a relationship that you were brave enough to end because it wasn’t working for you.

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Dumper’s Regret: Timeline & Stages of Regret of Dumping Someone (2024)


How long does it take a dumper to regret their decision? ›

Generally speaking, some dumpers regret their decision to break up only weeks after the incident. Other dumpers need years to feel that way. And some never even arrive at the final stage of dumpers remorse. Instead, they move on to someone else — be it a rebound or not.

Do most dumpers regret their decision? ›

Dumpers remorse refers to the regret, ambivalence, and general discomfort someone feels after breaking up with someone. Not everyone goes through this experience, but it's extremely common.

How long does it take for dumpers to come back? ›

The getting back together part happens a bit later. Most male dumpers will start coming back, the moment you send them subtle signals that you might be moving on. So this actually depends on you. It tends to take anywhere from one week to six months.

How long does relief stage last for dumper? ›

The separation elation stage (1-2 months)

Breakup relief may seem like it will last forever for a dumper but I assure you it will subside. So, try not to panic if you are dealing with a dumper that seems over the moon about the breakup.

How do you know if the dumper regrets? ›

  1. Jan 26, 2023. 10 signs your ex regrets breaking up with you. ...
  2. Reaching out to you. If your ex regrets dumping you, they will try to reach out to you frequently, either through text or social media. ...
  3. Effort to meet. ...
  4. Expression of regret. ...
  5. The mutual friends. ...
  6. Jealousy. ...
  7. Efforts to look good. ...
  8. Contact you.
Jan 26, 2023

How do you know if your dumper is hurting? ›

21 Signs he is hurt after the breakup
  1. He talks to you often. ...
  2. He says he misses you. ...
  3. He is in denial of the breakup. ...
  4. He enters a new relationship. ...
  5. He cuts you off. ...
  6. You don't hear from him. ...
  7. He blocks you from his digital life. ...
  8. He changes his location.
Apr 26, 2022

Who gets over breakups faster dumper or dumpee? ›

Conversation. Hot take: when it comes to break-ups, ultimately it's harder on the dumper than the dumpee. The dumpee can move on quicker because they had no choice in the matter.

Do dumpers forget about you? ›

It's unlikely that an ex will forget about you, even if you don't communicate with them after the breakup. Relationships tend to make an large emotional impact on both people involved, so it's likely your ex will remember you and the relationship even after the breakup.

Do emotionally unavailable dumpers come back? ›

Often dumpers do come back because they have had the time to reflect on their actions and emotions. No contact means that at least a temporarily unavailable man or woman has the time to think about the relationship and what might stop them from connecting with you or being emotionally intimate.

Do dumpers easily move on? ›

The bottom line is that a dumper with a secure attachment style tends to move on the quickest after a breakup.

Do dumpers stalk their ex? ›

Yep. They sure do! Sometimes after the time alone the dumper starts to miss said ex. Sure maybe at the time when you two had broken up, the dumper initially feels relieved and care free, but over time the dumper starts realizing what they no longer have and that nobody can replace it.

What the dumper goes through during no contact? ›

You cut all ties with them – no phone calls or text messages with their friends and family members. You will try to remove your ex from your world during the period and learn to live without them. The no contact after breakup psychology will only work if both parties commit to it. There shouldn't be any gray area.

How does the dumper feel after a month? ›

About a month after a breakup the dumper is probably still feeling pretty relieved about having done the horrible part of breaking up and is likely to still be enjoying the 'freedom' That's why no contact is so important in that first month because any contact from you will not be welcome.

Does the dumper get separation anxiety? ›

Dumpers usually don't feel separation anxiety because they are the ones that initiated the breakup. This means they are often under the IMPRESSION that they can reverse the breakup if they so choose to. But this can change if you make it clear to them that you are not going to be waiting around forever.

Why would a dumper try to hurt you? ›

The first and most obvious reason why your ex tries to hurt you after a breakup is that they still have feelings for you. This is why they contact you, make it difficult for you to move on, and try to make you stay in touch with them.

How do you make an ex regret dumping you? ›

Psychological tricks to make your ex regret losing you
  1. 01/6These tricks will help. ...
  2. 02/6Stay in sight but limit contact. ...
  3. 03/6Become a better version of you. ...
  4. 04/6Make them believe you are over them. ...
  5. 05/6Travel. ...
  6. 06/6Get successful.
Sep 29, 2022

Does the dumper feel worse than the dumpee? ›

Breaking Up: Is it more painful to dump (dumper) or to be dumped by (dumpee) a main squeeze? Typically, evidence suggests the dumpee normally faces more pain and they certainly do suffer the most intensity of emotions. That being said the dumper rarely escapes pain free.

Does silence hurt the dumper? ›

There is no easy way to deal with a breakup, but remaining silent actually speaks volumes to your ex. After all, actions speak louder than words! By staying silent, you're telling your ex that you're strong, resilient, and independent. You're relying on yourself — and no one else — for your own happiness.

What hurts the dumper most? ›

Who hurts more, a dumper or a dumpee? It always hurts more to be dumped. Even if you were planning to break up with that person or you don't really care about them. It's just rejection.

Why is silence powerful after breakup? ›

Why is silence powerful after a breakup? Radio silence allows you to reflect on the breakup. Continuing to talk to your ex post-breakup is a surefire source of heartache. Going silent gives you space to calm down, clear your head, and reflect more objectively on why things didn't work out.

Do dumpers grieve later? ›

However, as time goes on, the dumper will start to miss certain aspects of the relationship and maybe even regret their decision. That's when the grieving process hits them. So, dumpees usually grieve first and dumpers grieve second but either way, there's a grieving process for both.

Who gets over their ex faster? ›

Women tend to recover faster because they know how attached they are to their partners, so the shock isn't as great,” says Brown. “The pain is still there, to be sure, but it typically doesn't last as long because women intuitively know what the magnitude of the loss will be if things don't work out.”

Do dumpers feel worse as time goes on? ›

So, Does The Dumper Hurt Too? In short, yes, but their grief is going to be different because if the dumper is an avoidant they've come up with all these coping mechanisms to suppress how they're feeling. Think of it like a more agonizing process that on the outside might not look like they're grieving at all.

What percentage of dumpers come back? ›

If you average all the reputable research on the ex recovery process and chances of getting your ex back, there's about a 43.5% chance your ex will come back without doing anything. Those aren't exactly betting odds. That means six out of ten times you're probably not going to get your ex back.

Why do dumpers act so cold? ›

When you are looking at why the dumper is acting cold towards you one possible explanation is that it might be a defense mechanism to stave off feeling sadness or shame. Remember, human beings are very pain averse and that's doubly true for emotional pain.

Will an emotionally unavailable person miss you? ›

The emotionally unavailable man can miss you against what you might think to be the obvious answer. An emotionally unavailable man may miss you when you take a break from the relationship, are away from his immediate reach, or feel detached from you.

Why do dumpers come back years later? ›

They need a rebound

In some cases, an ex may come back because they're looking for a rebound relationship. This usually happens after they've just gotten out of a long-term relationship and they're not quite ready to be single again. So, they'll turn to you as a way to ease their way back into the dating world.

Do emotionally unavailable men ever become available? ›

Emotional unavailability doesn't have to be permanent. It's a complex issue, though, and some underlying causes may be harder to overcome than others. Change only happens when someone is willing to work at creating it, so you can't make an emotionally unavailable partner more available.

How do dumpers feel when dumpees move on? ›

It depends on the "dumper". If they're controlling and abusive, they may be enraged that the person they were trying to break has gotten free from them. If they're insecure and emotionally fragile, they may feel hurt and even angry that they're so easily replaced.

Why do dumpers orbit? ›

When relationships end and there are unresolved issues, an ex may orbit to show the other that they still have interest. To prevent their ex from forgetting them or getting over them, they keep their name popping up on their social media. Orbiters may be trying to establish hope for a future connection.

Why do dumpers contact the dumpee? ›

To see if the dumpee is miserable or see if there's still a chance. Don't give the dumper have the satisfaction of knowing how much their leaving affected you.

How long does no contact usually take? ›

The no-contact rule refers to cutting off all contact with an ex following a breakup, and it's the best method for moving on from an ex. No contact should last for a minimum of 60 days, and it includes no texting, no calling, and no interacting on social media.

What is the hardest stage of no contact? ›

Obviously the initial phase is the hardest. This is the phase when you still roped with a hope of getting back your ex . It's not easy to detach from someone initially you've had close fies with but sometimes it's necessary in order to restore your sanity and your mind peace.

Can you be friends with the dumper? ›

A friendship with an ex can be highly rewarding, but it's more than OK not to have a relationship or be in contact with them. Accepting the transience of connection and moving forward on your own path will give you much more peace than holding onto a past flame when there is no longer alignment.

How do you know if your ex is suffering? ›

21 Signs Your Ex Is Miserable
  • He's working A LOT. ...
  • He stopped working. ...
  • Her weight changed noticeably. ...
  • He talks about being miserable without you. ...
  • Intoxication equals contacting you. ...
  • He makes sure you know he has a new girlfriend. ...
  • She goes from fling to fling. ...
  • He's spiraling into alcohol or drug abuse.
May 18, 2023

What are the benefits of a dumper? ›

Ability To Carry Heavy Loads

Tracked dumpers can carry heavy loads over long distances, making them essential equipment on construction sites. Construction workers can move large quantities of material quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and effort required to complete a project.

Does silence make the dumper miss you? ›

The simple answer to the above questions is yes. When you walk away and make him miss you, it's typical for a man to come back to you. The power of silence after a breakup is highly effective in making your partner come back. To start with, going silent after a breakup is a sign of confidence and self-esteem.

Does the dumper ever miss the dumper? ›

In most cases, if you give your ex enough space, they will at some point miss you. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to get on their hands and knees and beg for you back. For some the “missing emotion” can be fleeting. For others, all consuming.

Is it easier for the dumper to move on? ›

The bottom line is that a dumper with a secure attachment style tends to move on the quickest after a breakup.

Why does no contact work on dumper? ›

The psychology of no contact on dumper is a coping mechanism to help you think hard about what went wrong and how you could be a better person and a potentially better partner to the next person who will come along. Instead of thinking about your ex, you have to focus on self-improvement and healing.

How does dumper feel no contact? ›

What do dumpers feel during no contact? During no contact, dumpers initially feel a sense of relief that the relationship is over. Then they start getting curious about why their ex never called. Then they start stalking the ex on social media to see how they are doing without them.

Why do dumpers come back months later? ›

They need a rebound

In some cases, an ex may come back because they're looking for a rebound relationship. This usually happens after they've just gotten out of a long-term relationship and they're not quite ready to be single again. So, they'll turn to you as a way to ease their way back into the dating world.

Why do dumpers come back after you move on? ›

Firstly, because they want to know what you've been up to since the breakup. Secondly, because they want to see how it feels for you to move on without them around. They don't want to miss out on any of the new experiences you're having, so they can come back as an opportunity for them to find out.

How do you make a dumper miss you? ›

How To Make Your Ex Miss You After A Breakup
  1. Do Not Try To Contact Them. ...
  2. Do Not Receive Their Calls And Respond To Their Texts. ...
  3. Reinvent Yourself. ...
  4. Meet New People And Make New Friends. ...
  5. Talk To Their Friends. ...
  6. Check Out The Outside Dating World. ...
  7. Take A Vacation. ...
  8. Be Active On Social Media.
Jun 12, 2023

Will the dumper reach out during no contact? ›

Most exes won't enter this phase at all, they'll skip it. As stated above, most dumpers will not be reaching out at all during no contact meaning they never experience the dyadic phase. It's not that they skip it all together it's that it takes longer for them to have it.

Do dumpers or dumpees move on faster? ›

Hot take: when it comes to break-ups, ultimately it's harder on the dumper than the dumpee. The dumpee can move on quicker because they had no choice in the matter.

Who suffers more dumper or dumpee? ›

Typically, evidence suggests the dumpee normally faces more pain and they certainly do suffer the most intensity of emotions. That being said the dumper rarely escapes pain free.


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